>Subject: Re: We'll soon be gone....

>Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 02:44:50 +0000


>Hello, I'm sorry about last week.  I think I know what the problem is and it shouldn't happen again.  Last week's message I wrote was so long and then it disappeared.  It was so disappointing.  Well, I'd better let you know before the movecall ends that my new companion's name is Elder Zheng.  He is a native Taiwanese Elder… which I think has been helping my Chinese progress faster because all our communication is in Chinese.  … I am definitely learning a lot being with him.

>Congratulations on the sealing Talsan and Alecia.  I'm sorry I couldn't be there for it.  I'm glad you're able to have other members of our family attend though.

>I'm glad to hear your job is going well Lanzer.  Just make sure to make good use of the free time that you have.  Let me know what new and happening in the Tdot.

>Tristian, Happy Birthday!  I'm sorry I'm not there to see you growing up.  When I get home you'll probably be almost as big as me.  Thank you for the letter you wrote to me.  Your writing skills are very impressive.  Thank you too, Quintus, for the letter and kool-aid.  And thank you Ammon for your picture.  You also have talent.  I miss you all very much.

>I'm going to send this now and then start over...


>Hello again

>...About the Mother's Day call.  The best would probably be if you were able to call in the morning (here) around 6am.  And if it's possible, it would be great if you could arrange one of those conference calls.  If you think another time would be better(earlier or later), please let me know. ...

>I received the postcard pictures of Toronto, Niagara Falls, and Casa Loma - they were some beauts - and they were still in good condition.  Danke for the letter Papa. ...

>Alright, some things I wanted to talk about: ...

>Danke for the eggs recipe - they turned out great.  "And two hard-boiled eggs...honk...make that three hard boiled eggs".

>Please thank Mario Sim for the card he sent.  It was very nice of him.  ...

>I noticed this in the MTC, but forgot to ever mention it.  Preach My Gospel, which if you don't have you should get, has a Thomas S Monson story in it which mentions the Belfiglio's.  Just thought you might be interested.  It's on page 179.

>At zone conference President has a segment he calls stump the president.  We ask him any gospel related questions to try to stump him.  If you have any really tough one's you could send me to ask him, it would be great.  I've already stumped him once myself, but I'm sure you all could also come up with some real doozies.  I'll send you back his answers too.

>I'm sending once more...


>Subject: Re: We'll soon be gone....

>Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 03:09:44 +0000


>OK, should be the last one this week.


>I will likely be sending a big package home within the next couple of weeks, with things in it that I don't really need.  I will let you know when I do.

>The rest is for Lanzer.  First, do you remember the list of funny scriptures?  I never printed off the computer and wondered if you could send me the list here if you still have it.  Thanks. 

>In closing, something I mentioned in last weeks email was that I went to the Taibei (I use the 'b' because that's how it is pronounced in Chinese) Zoo.  It was so cool.  Our whole zone went.  The animals were pretty active unlike when you usually go to a zoo.  And today my companion and I are going to the Taibei 101 building.  After that we're going to the temple - my first time in Taiwan.  It's going to be great.  Well.  I hope to hear from you all next week - how the trip was, or anything else you'd like to share.  I love hearing from you all.  Thanks Mama for your consistencey.  I love you all.  Bye.

